Create a logo - 5 sites for your inspiration

You want to create a logo for your blog, but you're stuck for inspiration?

Here are 5 sites that offer galleries of logos of all kinds to give you ideas for the realization of your.

Lately, I have prefixed to change the logo of my other blog. At present, one displayed was created by my small hands. It really is very (too) simple.

I'm used to realize my only logos. I generally proceeds in two steps:

  1. I scribble on a piece of paper all the ideas that may cross my mind.
  2. Once I stopped on one of my designs, I started directing logo in Photoshop. According to the result on the screen, I do evolve to meet me.

Unfortunately, we did not all the time good ideas, lest we forget, the logo design is a craft. Also to inspire me, I started in the site search offering logos galleries to guide me in style.

Whether you want to create one's own logo or do we do it, it will anyway be defined specifications. Even minimalist, it will set the style of the logo that you want, colors or text to display.

here are 5 sites for inspiration in creating your logo.

1- Logospire

2- Logogala

3- Logofi

4- Logopond

5- Logofaves

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